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2008 Courses

Mar ’08

Creative Writing

In this one day creative writing workshop, we will focus on developing skills through theme based activities which help boost writer’s confidence in their ability to write and express themselves in words. Details
Apr ’08

Cooperative Learning and Extensive Reading

There are strong, widely disseminated evidence supporting Extensive Reading (ER). Research suggests that ER is precisely the prescription for attaining high scores on reading exams. However, implementation has been infrequent and often less than a success due to problems such as lack of reading materials, and inadequate attention given by teachers as they often face a great deal of pressure to finish the syllabus - to do every single activity on every single page of the textbook or workbook. This workshop aims to prepare teachers with ways for students to motivate each other to read more. Details
Apr ’08

Features Writing

A very focused workshop to get participants started in writing different kinds of feature articles and to inform participants on what is expected of a features writer in terms of conduct and etiquette. Details
May ’08

Cooperative Learning and Reading Aloud by Teachers

This workshop also reviews basic ideas as to how teachers should read aloud to students. Then, various cooperative learning techniques are presented that can be
used as part of a session in which teachers read aloud to their students. Details
Jun ’08

Intellectual Property Rights in the Publishing Industry

This 1-day workshop will introduce participants to the concept of intellectual property rights and the different branches of intellectual property. Participants will gain an understanding of how different intellectual property rights can arise and be protected, particularly in the publishing industry. Details
Jun ’08

Writing the Self: Memoir Writing II

A good memoir captures and frames fascinating moments and experiences in our lives. This participatory workshop, made lively with discussion, examples and group sharing, will help you write good and readable memoirs. Details
Jun ’08

The Essentials of Proofing and Editing

This 2-day workshop will explore ways to edit journalistic and academic writing through presentations, practical examples/exercises on writing, editing and critiquing. This hands-on workshop is targeted at beginners at print editing and reporting. Details
Jul ’08

Contracts and Rights for Writers

This workshop will introduce participants to the basics of contract law. Participants will also learn to understand and identify the different rights that exist in publishing and the relevant clauses in publishing contracts. Details
Oct 23 – Dec 9

Write To Publish

If you have the wish to publish and the will to write, Write to Publish will help you find the way to succeed. Details
Nov ’08

Creating Graphic Novels

This workshop will examine the basic techniques and concepts of graphic novel creation. We will study the mechanisms of the narrative image sequence, and how the comic form may be used to communicate character, events, and mood. Details